Zero Tolerance Policy

Junior Railers Hockey Club 


Players, coaches, parents and spectators are to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect to other players, coaches, officials, parents, spectators and fans. In becoming a member of this organization, an individual assumes certain obligations and responsibilities to the organization and its participants. The essential elements in this Code of Conduct are HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these elements will bring credit to themselves, their team and their organization. It is only through such conduct that our organization can continue to earn and maintain a positive image and make its full contribution to our sport and community.

The following essential elements of the Code of Conduct must be followed:

1. Sportsmanship and teaching the concepts of fair play are essential to the game and must be taught at all levels and developed both at home and on the field during practices and games.

2. The value of good sportsmanship, the concepts of fair play, and the skills of the game should always be placed above winning.

3. The safety and welfare of the players are of primary importance.

4. Players should always demonstrate positive behavior and respect toward teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents and spectators.

5. Coaches, players, parents and spectators are expected to demonstrate the utmost respect for officials and reinforce that respect to players/teammates.

6. Grievances or misunderstandings between coaches, officials or any other parties involved with the organization should be communicated through the proper channels and procedures, never on or about the field of play in view of spectators or participants.

7. Spectators involved with the game must never permit anyone to openly or maliciously criticize, badger, harass or threaten an official, coach, player or opponent.

8. Eligibility requirements, at all levels of the game, must be followed. Rules and requirements such as age, previous level of participation, team transfers, etc., have been established to encourage and maximize participation, fair play and to promote safety.

Youth Hockey “24-HOUR RULE” for a responsible coach-parent relationship.

All Junior Railers Hockey Club parents are expected to follow the youth hockey 24-hour rule as endorsed by USA Hockey.

This policy states that “A parent should not approach a coach or discuss with a coach a game, game incident or a situation that occurred during a game that has provoked an adverse emotional response or created a potentially hostile situation until at least 24 hours after the fact.

The intent of this “24-hour Rule” is to move a potential emotional and confrontational discussion away from the presence of the players and other parents and to allow all parties the chance to “cool off” before discussing the situation.”


USA HOCKEY 2023-2024

Parent's Code of Conduct 

Do not force your children to participate in sports, but support their desires to play their chosen sports. Children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment. Make it fun. 

  • Encourage your child to play by the rules. Remember, children learn best by example, so applaud the good plays of both teams. 
  • Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches or officials. By showing a positive attitude toward the game and all of its participants, your child will benefit. 
  • Emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit your young athlete. De-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups. 
  • Know and study the rules of the game and support the officials on and off the ice. This approach will help in the development and support of the game. Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game. 
  • Applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat, and enforce the positive points of the game. Never yell or physically abuse your child after a game or practice – it is destructive. Work toward removing the physical and verbal abuse in youth sports. 
  • Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches. They are important to the development of your child and the sport. 
  • Communicate with them and support them. 
  • If you enjoy the game, learn all you can about hockey – and volunteer. 

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